MidiYodi 3.2

MidiYodi is a MIDI file editor, player, examiner, and converter
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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MidiYodi is an application which allows users to examine midi files. The interface of the program is very simple, as the program itself is. There is only one main window, where all tools and functions are located and a small navigator window where the playback panel is located.
The program provides you with the possibility to examine midi melodies by splitting midi track into separate channels. Midi track is produced by repetition of certain sounds with the definite tempo. With the help of this application you can examine every single sound separately. Once you’ve opened a midi track, the application will display the number of channels of different sounds this track has. Then you will be able to work with its every single channel. You can mute or change the instruments of the track. There is a rich set of different instruments, for example, piano, pan flute, orchestra harp, and many others. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to create your own midi files with the help of this application, but you can save the changed midi track as a new one.

DB Senior editor
Damir Buzikov
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Fast and furious, opens midifiles in milliseconds and scans 100's of files in seconds

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